Alias Learning MAYA 7 MEL and API 馬雅官方版教學光碟
Learning Maya | MEL and the API 教程是你發現MAYA擴展性和靈活性的鑰匙。
MAYA內含的語言Maya Embedded Language (MEL)是MAYA自帶的腳本語言,可以讓你自動執行
Learning Maya | MEL and the API is your key to discovering the extensibility and
flexibility of Maya. Maya Embedded Language (MEL) is Maya’s native scripting
language allowing you to automate workflows, build custom tools and create custom
user interfaces. In this DVD, you will discover MEL from a practical standpoint
giving you the understanding you’ll need to get you working with MEL quickly.
Explore the interfaces and tools used to run MEL commands and scripts. An overview
of essential MEL commands and syntax will be particularly helpful for debugging
basic scripts. In addition, you’ll discover the steps to load and run scripts from
external sources (i.e. websites). This DVD will further enable you to troubleshoot
and debug tools and plug-ins by providing you with an introduction to debugging
in the Maya API (Application Programmer Interface).
Presented by Alias Support Specialist Richard Chu and programmer Darrin Katz, this
DVD will allow you to develop the skills you need get coding in Maya.